A new Golden Era for sandwich lovers in California's Central Valley is upon us.
Jaymes, of Davis Farmer's Market Breakfast Sandwich fame, is opening a restaurant. REPEAT:
JAYMES IS OPENING A RESTAURANT. Her breakfast sandwiches, created exclusively from FM produce, have been gushed over ("it's like an orgasm in my mouth," says Ed) on this blog and in my life for approximately the past year. And now it looks as though the one-sandwich-a-week- because- it-would-look-weird-and-extremely-gluttonous-to go-to-her-little-cart-more-than-once-in-a-day rule is now a thing of the past.
Rumors of the new restaurant were flying at the farmer's market, where we approached a local farmer for some leeks. When we inquired about some things that turned out to be garlic
scapes (the flowers of the garlic plant that are effing delicious
btw), he told us that
Jaymes was going to use
scapes this week's sandwiches before she realized that her and her
popsicle cart would be at the Whole Earth Festival that day.
"Her sandwiches are delicious," said Anna, "She needs to open a restaurant."
"She is, as a matter of fact," the farmer replied.
This rumor was confirmed later that day by the woman working the pop cart at Whole Earth, who seemed
surprised that we knew about it. I guess she didn't realize she was talking to a vanguard in the sandwich news biz.
The restaurant is going to be at 5
th and L in Davis. No word on an opening date or menu, or even if this restaurant will be sandwich-centric. One could only dream of the sandwiches they will be putting out in the near future. Its enough to make a guy not want to move out of this crap town.